Many people will do their own house painting, especially when it comes to painting the inside of the home. When painting there is a lot of trial and error that occurs. For a clean and professional result, it can take years to develop the needed skills. Along the way a number of mistakes are made that often take more time and money to correct. Jeff the Painter would like to share some of those common mistakes with you, and share a few tips on how to avoid them.
Do You Really Need Painter’s Tape?
A common mistake that people quickly learn to regret is not using painter’s tape or also known as masking tape. Painter’s tape should be used along the edges of the ceiling, windows and door frames as well as other areas you don’t want to get paint on. It can be very time consuming and you often need three or four rolls of painter’s tape to get the job done. Many people will skip using the painter’s tape and tell themselves they will just take their time and not make any mistakes. However, this is a major mistake. Always take the time to put up painter’s tape. Additionally, when using painter’s tape do not remove the tape until the paint is completely dry. You can use a putty knife and hold it along the edge of the tape as you remove it. This will ensure you do not pull some overlapping paint off the wall. Before applying the tape, make sure the surface is wiped down and clean. Lastly make sure the tape is on tightly or you will get paint seeping underneath the tape.
Can I Paint Without Prepping?
When they decide to paint the inside of their home, many people are often a bit overzealous and often get right to painting without preparing the surface first. There are a few steps you need to take to prepare the walls, ceiling, trim and other interior surfaces. When preparing the surface you should always dust and wipe the surface with a damp cloth. You also want to make sure the walls have plenty of time to dry. Before you begin painting you will want to repair any dents or holes in the walls. Without properly preparing the surface the paint can crack, peel or bubble. Make sure to take the needed time to prepare the area and surface you plan to paint. Again, use your painter’s tape as it is a very important to your prep.
Is it OK to Skip Primer?
There are certain situations where applying a primer before painting is a must. Often in bathrooms, laundry and the kitchen, mold or mildew may develop on the surface of the walls. A primer is a sealant coat that prevents the spread of mold or mildew and provides a protective barrier from moisture. It is highly recommended you paint on a primer first. A primer is also essential if you are painting over a darker color. You also want to apply a primer when you are painting a wall or ceiling for the first time. When you repair and have had new walls go up, you always want to have the first coat be the primer. It will help protect your wall and extend its life.
Interior & Exterior House Painting & More in San Marcos, Temecula, Vista, Oceanside, Encinitas, Carlsbad & Escondido, California
These are but only a few of the common mistakes. There are many more that are frequently done when painting. If you want a quality paint job and don’t have the time to troubleshoot and learn from common mistakes, hire a professional. For professional interior painting services and more, contact Jeff the Painter today.