There are a number of painting mistakes that many homeowners make. They not only cost the homeowner money when these mistakes are made but it’s a mistake they will have to live with until it can be corrected. Both are frustrating. This is why Jeff the Painter will share a few things about these common mistakes and how they can be avoided.
Test Paint Color Samples on Wall
One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is not realizing that the paint they pick out isn’t going to look the same in their actual home. Some home improvement stores will provide different lighting to see how your paint tabs look under the different types of light. In this way, you can better imagine how they would look in your home. However it just doesn’t ever seem to look the same. That is why you should take home the sample tabs of all of the colors you’re considering and see how it actually looks like in your home. Each room’s light is unique with each window and other sources of lighting. You may even find the color interacts differently during the day than at night. With the samples, you can see what color you like the best in both day and night time lighting.
Does High Quality Paint Make a Difference?
Every paint job costs money. The paint, painter tape, rollers, trays, brushes and paint cloths all cost money. Many homeowners will try to save a few bucks and get cheaper paint and painting materials. Just remember you get what you pay for. Improper materials will result in a poor looking room and cheap paint doesn’t last as long before you will need to repaint again. You will find that in trying to save money by buying cheaper materials will be a mistake that is easily avoided. Make sure when you are planning to repaint your home that you consider using mid grade to higher quality paint and materials for the best results.
Why is Surface Preparation Important Before Painting?
Poor preparation is another common mistake. Most people will begin painting with little to no preparation. Without proper preparation, the final result ends up being quite messy and not very good to look at. Prepping is easy work. Make sure you wash down the walls or the area you’re painting. Mask off the edges of doors, windows or ceilings– pretty much mask everything you don’t want the paint to make contact with. Make sure you lay the paint cloth on the ground. By prepping the room first, you will find you can get the job done much quicker and have a cleaner and more beautiful end result.
What Happens if You Don’t Use Primer Before Painting?
Another mistake made is trying to paint over a high glossy paint or wallpaper–both look bad. Wallpaper should be completely removed and both removed wallpaper or old paint should be covered with a primer before applying the fresh new coats of paint. The under color reacts with the top coat and changes the appearance of your newly chosen color. It may take more time and money but never skip priming the walls first before you begin painting.
Interior & Exterior House Painting & More in San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, Encinitas, Carlsbad & Escondido, California
These are but a few of the common mistakes that are made by many homeowners. Do a little research before you begin repainting and make sure you follow the right steps and avoid those all too common mistakes. If you do, you will find a beautiful finish. If you want to leave it in the hands of a professional, contact Jeff the Painter today.