In any homes that were built before 1978, there is a good chance that the paint in the home contains lead. Lead based paints have been removed from the market due to their negative health effects. However, older homes may still contain these dangerous paints, either on the walls, cabinets or along the trim. For those who live in an older home or have recently bought an older home that may contain lead based paint, Jeff the Painter would like to share how you can test the paint for lead and how to safely remove lead paint if discovered.
Lead Paint Testing
If you suspect the paint in your home is very old and could possibly contain lead, you will want to buy a lead testing kit. Some of test kits that are recommended by the EPA are LeadCheck or D-Lead. Both test kits work well and fast and are very affordable. When testing the paint, pick an area that you plan to repaint and or renovate. Scrape off a small section of paint to reveal any additional layers. Most test kits use a swab or test strip. Depending on the type of kit you use, follow the directions to perform a proper test. The kit will provide you with the needed results. If lead is present, you will need to proceed carefully to remove the hazardous paint.
Lead Paint Removal
If lead paint is present in the home you will want to safely remove the paint from the residence. If possible remove and replace walls, trim work, or cabinets that are painted with lead paint. However, if physical removal of the painted feature is not possible, then you will need to remove the paint. When removing lead based paint, you will need all of the tools, material and most importantly, safety equipment before beginning. Following is a list of safety equipment tools and material you will need for the task.
• Safety Gear: Goggles, Gloves, HEPA respirator, and Coveralls (HEPA filters are essential to ensure safety)
• Tools and Materials: Plastic Sheet, Paint Scraper, Painting Tape, Sander (power sanders), Spray Bottle, Shop Vac with HEPA filter, Tri-Sodium Phosphate or Chemical Paint Stripper, Bucket, and Sponge
How to Safely Remove Lead Paint
Step 1. Preparation: With all the proper tools, materials, and safety gear on hand, begin preparing the site. Lay out the plastic sheet on the areas you will work on first. Cover furniture, windows, and other surfaces you will need to protect while removing the paint with another plastic sheet. Tape the plastic sheet in place as needed.
Step 2. Removing the Paint: Make sure you have all of your safety gear on during preparation and during the removal of the paint. Start by removing any dust on the surface. If any of the paint has already begun flaking off, use a scraper to remove the rest of the loose chips. A spray bottle filled with water can periodically be misted around the work site to help weigh down tiny particles of paint so the lead isn’t in the air. For stubborn paint use the chemical paint remover and give it 15 minutes to help loosen the paint. Again, scrape off the loose particles of paint. If possible begin sanding down the surface to remove any remnant paint. Use the shop vacuum with the HEPA filter to suck up the saw dust and paint particles to ensure they do not remain in the home. Wash off the walls with a damp sponge before repainting the surface.
Interior & Exterior House Painting & More in San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, Encinitas, Carlsbad & Escondido, California
If you find you need help removing lead based paint or repainting your home, contact Ciarlanti Painting – Jeff The Painting today!